Series / Project


By registering you declare that you have read the rules below

Donation to JOIN the contest :




If you don’t have paypal or you want to use debit/credit card, please click this link that use Stripe.



The contest is organized by the LPM cultural association, hereafter called organizer.


Participation is open to anyone 18 years of age or older at the time of the competition. The contest is open to photographers of all levels of experience, from enthusiasts and beginners to professionals.


Submission open:  22 July 2024
Registration and submission deadline:  30 September 2024 at midnight (GMT+1, Central European Winter Time)
Winner announcement: 16 November 2024, during Livorno Photo Meeting


You can submit a series or a project. To enter, visit and complete the registration. The entry fee is € 30 (payments carried out through Paypal or Stripe) for 1 series/project.

The series/project must consist of 20 to 30 photos.

The subject of the series/project should preferably concern the genres of street photography/documentary photography/reportage/storytelling; however other genres will be accepted. In accordance with our ongoing mission of showcasing new and original work, we strongly suggest you only submit unpublished work.

The series/project must preferably be sent both in .pdf format and be accompained by a synopsis in English. The name of the author must not appear in series/project submitted. 

If it’s not possibile provide the series/project in .pdf format, the name of each file must consist of the photographer’s first and last name, followed by a number. You do this as follows: FirstName_Surname_Numbering.jpg (e.g. Mario_Rossi_01.jpg). Work with photos that do not comply with this will automatically be excluded from the contest. Each image should be 1900 pixels on the longest side and the resolution 72 DPI. The file size of each photo should not exceed 2Mb, the file format must be jpeg/jpg.


The work will be judged blind. This means that the judge view the series/project without the name or details of the photographer.

The jury is composed by:

Nikita Teryoshin

The organizer will contact the winner for a high-resolution jpeg file of the photographs. All photos must be sent already post-produced and ready for printing. These files must be delivered to the organizer within 48 hours of receiving the message from the organizer. If the photographer fails to do so, the entry may be dropped as the winner.

The winner will be announced during the festival, on 16 November 2023.

The organizer cannot provide feedback on the entry of those not selected.
The decision of the jury is final, and the jury member or the organizer will not communicate with photographers about this decision.


The winning series/project will be published in the form of a fanzine.
The number of copies will be evaluated by the organizer and will be available to the author.
The layout, the choice of the format and materials of the fanzine will be at the discretion of the organizer.

All costs associated with the publication, included the shipping cost, will be covered by the organizer.

The jury may decide to nominate other prizes for particularly deserving work.


Each submitter guarantees to be the author and full copyright holder of the submitted work; that they are original work and not reproductions or copies of existing work.

If one or more persons are depicted in the submitted photos, ensure to have the permission of this person or persons to reproduce their portrait.

The organizer accepts no responsibility for possible infringements of third-party copyrights.

Nor can the organizer be held liable for claims or complaints due to persons appearing in the photos, this liability lies with the participant.


The selected series/project may be included in communications surrounding the competition.

By participating in the photo contest, the participating photographers grant the organizer unconditional permission for five years to use the images solely in the context of the Livorno Photo Meeting, the exhibition and in all media, including social media, online and print, in connection with the contests, the festival, the exhibition, and all promotional and educational activities for and under the supervision of the Livorno Photo Meeting.

Photographers cannot claim compensation for copyright transfer in this context.

Proper credit will be given to each publication.

The work submitted will not be used for commercial purposes or sold to third parties.


The organization cannot be held responsible in case of changes or cancellation of the contest and festival due to major forces.

The organizer reserves the right to cancel or modify the competitions and these conditions without prior notice. Any changes in the competitions will be communicated to the participants as soon as possible.


All matters not provided for in the terms and conditions shall be presented to the organization. The organizer will make the final decision on them. By participating, each participant declares to agree with the terms and conditions and to be bound by them.

The organizer reserves the right to refuse or exclude an entry at its own discretion.


By participating, entrants agree to release, discharge, and hold harmless the Livorno Photo Meeting, its organizers, all respective partners, affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising agencies, agents and their employees, officers, directors, and representatives from any claims, losses, damages, and injuries arising out of their participation in this festival.

The photographer agrees to fully indemnify the Livorno Photo Meeting with respect to all royalties, fees and any other monies owed to any person or entity.

The organizers (The Livorno Photo Meeting and all affiliates) assume no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, or delay in operation or transmission; communications line failure; theft or destruction of or unauthorized access to festival entries or entry forms; or alteration of entries or entry forms.

The organizers are not responsible for any problems with or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any email entry to be received on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website, human errors of any kind, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to entrants’ or any other persons’ computers related to or resulting from participation, uploading, or downloading of any materials related to this festival.


If you have any problems submitting or any other question regarding the contest, please contact